How Can Financial Forecasting Help You?
Financial forecasting is key for well-managed plans. We prepare financial forecasts by stress testing with H-Scan, our sophisticated customized interactive modeling tool. Stress-testing is the linchpin of our financial forecasts, whether the forecasts are for understanding special situations, producing accounting reports, or developing funding policies. Financial forecasting helps you:
- Estimate healthcare spending
- Set budgets
- Identify potential problems
- Predict the impact of changes in contributions, benefits or eligibility

Why Do You Need Cheiron’s Help in Preparing Accounting Reports?
Whether you’re a public plan, a multiemployer plan, or a single-employer plan, you can trust us to prepare accounting reports to meet reporting requirements. We ensure your accounting reports satisfy your requirements for:
- Calculating your retiree health liabilities to meet FASB ASC 965
- Computing your OPEB liabilities to comply with GASB Statements No. 74 and 75 disclosures in your comprehensive annual financial reports
- Projecting your retiree health or other post-employment benefits (OPEB) for disclosures in corporate annual financial statements under FASB ASC 715 and 958

How Can Financial Forecasting Shape Funding Policies?
Stress testing with H-Scan helps us show you the risks your plan faces and:
- Track how your spending compares with trends
- Show you the effect of alternative funding policies under different economic forecasts
- Examine how different discount rates, benefits or eligibility requirements can affect your accounting disclosures