What is P-Scan?
P-Scan, our interactive pension projection modeling tool, can simulate thousands of scenarios and identify the biggest financial risks to your pension plan. Once you and Cheiron identify the risks, we can help you develop a long-term strategy to manage their impact.

How Does the Process Work?
Starting with your existing assumptions and contribution levels, we plug in the most relevant variables for your plan into P-Scan to demonstrate the likely impact of changes in variables on your pension plan.

What Kind of Tests Can You Run?
We create each stress test based on your needs. We offer tailored versions of P-Scan for multiemployer, public, and single-employer pension plans.
How Are Cheiron’s Tools Different From Other Actuarial Consulting Firms?
Cheiron is synonymous with creativity. We use cutting-edge technological tools such as heat maps and bubble charts to visualize data, and interactive graphics to highlight trends, observations and risks. Our hands-on approach means all our actuaries are not only adept at modeling, they create their own tools.
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