We offer a suite of digital tools along with hands-on consulting to make your health plan more efficient. Our toolkit includes:

H-Scan, our proprietary interactive stress testing tool, projects a range of scenarios for your plan.
H-Scan lets you:
- Analyze contribution strategies
- Understand the impact of benefit changes
- Evaluate your reserve levels

Benchmarking compares your plan’s utilization with industry standards.
Benchmarking helps:- Discover inefficiencies
- Identify opportunities for savings
- Decide when to bid for new vendors

Monitoring reports track plan experience and compare the experience with projections.
Monitoring reports let you:- Identify high cost areas
- Pinpoint problems before they become large
- Act quickly to make course corrections

Business Intelligence allows vast amounts of data to be condensed and easily analyzed.
Business Intelligence lets us:- Collect and present big data in an interactive online dashboard
- Access thousands or even millions of data points easily
- Navigate different layers and dimensions of data
- See trends and the trajectory of data

Machine Learning, a form of artificial intelligence, uses patterns and inference to improve the accuracy of projections beyond traditional actuarial techniques.
Machine learning lets you:- Understand the impact of additional data
- Learn from big data and forecasting
- Discern the true trends by eliminating the noise from big data