Elizabeth has 18 years of experience working with public pension plans.
Her experience includes preparing GASB disclosures for public pension plans, analyzing ERISA, IRS regulations, and state legislation, valuation sensitivity analysis and asset/liability projections, and conducting actuarial audits of large public retirement plans.
She speaks frequently at the annual conferences of the National Association of State Retirement Administrators, the National Council on Teacher Retirement, the National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems, and the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans.
She holds positions at several professional associations including the American Academy of Actuaries, the Society of Actuaries, and the Conference of Consulting Actuaries. As Cheiron’s Public Pension Coordinator, she manages the firm’s relationships with trade associations, research organizations, professional bodies, and government organizations.
She considers thinking fast under pressure one of her biggest strengths. She has a prodigious memory and is good at discerning trends.
She joined Cheiron in March 2013.
She is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries, the highest professional accreditation, an Enrolled Actuary under ERISA, a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries and a Fellow of the Conference of Consulting Actuaries.