Chris Ludwiczak

FSA, MAAA, Consulting Actuary


Chris has eight years of experience as a consulting health actuary.

His experience includes calculating annual COBRA and funding rates, completing governmental forms for 5500s and Affordable Care Act requirements, and examining RFP responses for medical, drug, and dental benefits.

He is a member of the firm’s Data, Numbers and Analytics Committee or DNA Committee and helps maintain Cheiron’s internal health tools and clients’ claims databases.

He received the American Academy of Actuaries’ Rising Actuary Award in 2023.

His forte is custom-building H-Scan models to project health plan expenses and perform sensitivity testing using a plan’s data. 

He joined Cheiron in June 2014.

He is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries, the highest professional accreditation, and a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries.


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